Reception - Appointments 01420 562922


We are a dispensing practice and can supply medicines for all patients who do not live within a mile of a local pharmacy. Other patients may use the pharmacy of their choice.

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The Dispensary is open 9am to 2pm and 4pm to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Temporary change to Dispensary Hours

Due to current staff shortages, from 30/1/24 our Dispensary will be closed for collections and telephone calls from 2pm to 4pm each afternoon. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Outside surgery opening times prescriptions may be dispensed by pharmacies and a list of these can be found on display in the Dispensary window and in local newspapers.

Repeat Prescribing

You can order your repeat prescriptions in the following ways:

In Person
There are collection boxes for repeat medication orders outside the reception front door and also in the dispensary waiting area.

Click the banner at the top of this page to order repeat prescriptions online

By Post
Mansfield Park Surgery, Lymington Bottom Road, Medstead, ALTON, Hampshire GU34 5EW

Via a pharmacy of your choice
Please contact the pharmacy to discuss

Repeat prescriptions review

At regular intervals you will be required to consult the doctor or nurse to ensure that all is well with your condition. The review date at the bottom of your prescription repeat medication slip will tell you when this review is due. Many patients will be attending annual reviews with the Practice Nurses as part of their management of a long-term condition, the medication review is part of this annual review process and the date will be updated at that time. We will never refuse repeat medication requests but will ask you to attend if required.

Prescription charges

The government charges for each item dispensed, and the money collected by us from dispensing patients goes to the Treasury. From time to time this may vary and we will charge you accordingly. You will be asked to sign the back of the prescription form to confirm that you have paid the charge, or are exempt. Your certificate of exemption, or letter of authority may be requested if you are collecting on behalf of someone else.

Please remember that we are do not issue medication from prescription without payment – so please ensure that you have sufficient money (cash, debit card or cheque) with you at your consultation if you are anticipating a prescription may be dispensed from the surgery.

Prescription order checklist

  • Our Team cannot take prescription requests over the phone
  • Allow three working days, excluding weekends and bank holidays
  • If you have more than one repeat prescription, please try to order all your items together.
  • Collect as soon as possible
  • Give longer notice if it is an unusual request, or pre-order if you wish to collect after a booked routine clinic appointment
  • Patients who normally use a chemist may have their requested prescription forms sent from the surgery to the chemist of their choice which saves an extra journey to your surgery
  • Don’t forget to bring your money with you if you pay, or your exemption card if you don’t. We cannot release medication without payment