Reception - Appointments 01420 562922

Changes to Annual Long Term Condition Review Invitations

There is good evidence that patients who live with a long term health condition, live
longer when their condition is well managed. We also need to make sure that any
medications that we give are helping you live well but also not causing any
unintended harm. Therefore it is very important that you are assessed to make sure
that the best things for you are happening.

To help us help you in as efficient way as possible, we are making some changes to
the way that we invite you to review your health. We will be inviting you to attend
appointments in or around your birthday month so that all your health conditions can
be reviewed together. We hope that this will help you to better understand and
manage your health by being able to talk about all your symptoms and medications
at the same time.

If you have one or more long term conditions such as Diabetes, Heart Disease or
Asthma or may be at risk of developing one of these conditions, you will receive an
invitation either by text or by letter to book your annual review with the practice
during your birthday month.

A blood test appointment is required for certain conditions, and this may also include
a mini-health screen which will include your height, weight, pulse check, blood
pressure, waist circumference and lifestyle information. For diabetic patients you will
also be offered a foot check because ensuring good circulation to your feet is
essential to maintaining your good health. This first appointment will provide us with
general information about your health to monitor your care.

If appropriate to your condition(s), you will then be offered an annual review
discussion with a Practice Nurse or GP. If you take a lot of different medication or
there are any changes that may be needed, you may have a final medication review
with either a clinical pharmacist or a GP.

You may find that the period from your last review to your next review is slightly more
or less than 12 months as this enables us to transition to birthday month reviews
over the next year.